Monday, August 13, 2012

Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) in West Hollywood?

Evactuated Tube Transportation Technologies (ET3) wants to build a pilot tube traveling program in West Hollywood to connect it to the Red Line and Purple Line:

LA Curbed has the story here.  Maglev Tube Transit Company Wants to Build Pilot in WeHo

Let's just say I'm very skeptical.  I don't see a Futurama type system in West Hollywood anytime soon.

I still think the best case scenario for the West Hollywood region is to bring Metrorail here as part of a northern extension of the Crenshaw/LAX Line, to be supplemented with streetcars and buses running in transit-only lanes (and bicycle lanes on Fountain).

But, as someone has apparently made a presentation on this to the West Hollywood City Council, I thought you should know.  At one time people thought you could not sail around the world or that the human body could withstand speeds of more than 20 miles per hour.  If they prove me wrong, good on them.  But I don't think they will.


Mr_Grant said...

Evacuated Tube is way far off. It's not responsible for a company whose product is still on paper to approach local jurisdictions. It just doesn't fit the way we select public transit systems in the US.

Luckily, PRT can be done without evacuated tubes. A federally-created, prototype PRT has been integral to transportation in Morgantown, W Va since the 1970s. The Ultra pods at Heathrow and 2getthere PRT at Masdar City are examples of a new generation of systems already in operation, and performing well.

A 3rd under construction in S Korea, Vectus PRT, will use rails instead of guidepath. In addition to small pods, Vectus is planning larger peoplemover sized cars to acommodate peak surges.

As with anything, beware those promising too much. Of course, beware those spreading irrational fear and hatred as well.

Keep up to date on PRT developments at
and @wiselineprt

Others supporting PRT:

PRT backed by more Democrats than GOP the year Bachmann wrote 1 bill about it:

lylaburns123 said...

West Hollywood is such a busy area and I think it would really benefit from personal rapid transit. I know that where I live with use a fast trax system, and it's awesome. Thank you for the information.